Since its establishment in September 2014, the Hellenic Evaluation Society (HES) has sought to promote evaluation in Greece as a tool for developing and targeting public policies. In this effort, HES formed an expert group comprising representatives from public administration, academics, and evaluators. This group worked on drafting a position paper for the formulation of a National Evaluation Strategy (NES) in Greece.

Drawing on the experiences of other countries, HES aims to support the development of a strategy to coordinate evaluation practices across ministries and public entities, systematically organize related materials, and establish guidelines, systems, and practices.

The goal of the 2nd Annual HES Conference was to foster dialogue on the role of evaluation in shaping public policies that add value for citizens and societies, considering actual needs and realistic development prospects. Key discussion points included:

  • Why is evaluation an essential component of governance and the design of development policies?
  • How can evaluation study processes and the use of their results be standardized?
  • How can lessons learned from evaluating projects, programs, and policies be used effectively in terms of efficiency, impact, and alignment with national priorities?
  • How can a culture of evaluation be established to inform evidence-based public policy making?

The conference targeted public and private sector organizations as well as those interested in improving policy-making processes for development. It featured distinguished speakers, including prominent evaluators from Greece and abroad, public officials, representatives of evaluation units from Greek agencies and the European Commission, academics, researchers, and entities engaged in evaluation at the European and national levels.


The conference program was structured into three sessions:

1st SESSION: Evaluation as a Fundamental Component of Governance

2nd SESSION: Evaluation as a Method for Shaping Public Policy

3rd SESSION: Institutionalisation of Public Policy Evaluation in Greece




Opening – Welcome Address

Session 1 – Evaluation as a Fundamental Component of Governance

Session 2 – Evaluation as a Method for Shaping Public Policy

Session 3 – Institutionalisation of Public Policy Evaluation in Greece

At the conclusion of the conference, the Good Practices in Evaluation Awards were announced. The awards, organized by the Hellenic Evaluation Society, recognized outstanding evaluation projects, followed by a ceremony to honour the selected works.

  • Award in the category Young Emerging Evaluator 2018:
    Georgios Palamidis, for the thesis: "Performance Management Systems and Efficiency – The Role of HR Metrics"

  • Award in the category Best Applied Integrated Evaluation Methodology:
    National Centre for Social Research, for the interim external evaluation of the project: "Voucher for Entry into the Labour Market"

  • Honourable Mention for Best Applied Integrated Evaluation Methodology:
    Municipality of Agios Dimitrios (Attica), for the project: "Sustainable Development Assessment of the Municipality"

  • Award in the category Optimal Utilisation of Proposed Evaluation Conclusions:
    General Secretariat for Digital Policy, for the study: "Evaluation of the Outcomes of the National Digital Strategy"