Katerina Papadopoulou is a lawyer and holds a PhD in Public Law (Faculty of Law, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens - NKUA). She also holds two Master’s degrees in Public Law (Faculty of Law, NKUA, and Université Montesquieu - Bordeaux IV) and a Master’s degree in Law and Technological Innovation (Universités Paris I – Paris XI).
She is an Adjunct Teaching Staff member in the postgraduate program “Public Administration and E-Governance” at the Hellenic Open University. She has also collaborated with the Open University of Cyprus and the University of Patras.
Her monograph, "The Protection of the Cultural Environment During Economic Crises," has been published by Nomiki Bibliothiki. Additionally, she has co-edited two collective volumes with the same publisher ("Refugee and Migrant Children: Challenges and Management Perspectives," 2021, and "Culture and Migration: A Path Towards Cultural Integration of Refugees and Migrants," 2020).
Her studies and commentary on judicial decisions have been published in academic journals.