
Network of Evaluation Societies in Europe (NESE)

The Network for Evaluation Societies in Europe (NESE) is the collaboration of a network of national evaluation societies and networks in Europe. NESE is established within the European Evaluation Society (EES) since 2008. The work is moderated jointly by an EES Board member and a national evaluation society on a bi/annually rolling basis.  In NESE  national societies co-operate towards developing mutual knowledge, learning from one another’s good practices, and promoting the evaluation profession in European countries.

The Hellenic Evaluation Society is a NESE member since 2014. During the Biannual NESE meeting of May 2021, the Hellenic Evaluation Society was elected to hold the presidency of the NESE Advisory Board for the period 2021-2023.   

European Evaluation Society

The European Evaluation Society (EES) seeks to advance evaluation knowledge and to encourage the adoption of good practices by fostering evaluation excellence, independence, and partnerships. EES activities aim to support improved enabling environments for evaluation, stronger communities of practice, relevant evaluation research, and enhanced evaluation methods.



International Organisation for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE)

The International Organization for Professional Evaluation (IOCE) is an international partnership of national, subnational, and regional Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs). It provides leadership in evaluation worldwide by stimulating demand for evaluation and boosting evaluation associations' organizational capability. The IOCE promotes good governance of evaluation associations and champions the value and contributions of evaluation to improving people's lives, by facilitating the exchange of ideas across the worldwide evaluation community. 

The International Evaluation Partnership Initiative (EvalPartners) 

The International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (EvalPartners) is a partnership established with the aim to improve the capacity of civil society organizations (CSOs) to influence policymakers, public opinion, and other key stakeholders so that public policies are evidence-based, effective, and inclusive. Its goal is to strengthen CSOs' ability to participate in national evaluation processes in a strategic and meaningful manner, resulting in better country-led evaluation systems and policies that are equity-focused and gender-responsive.



Permanent Cooperation Committee for Participation in the International Initiative for Open Government (OGP Forum)

The worldwide initiative “Open Government Partnership (OGP)” aims to secure concrete commitments from governments to promote transparency,  empower citizens,  fight corruption,  and harness new technologies to strengthen governance. Greece is one of the first countries that join this initiative, by submitting the first National Action Plan for Open Government in April 2012. The main principle of Greece's participation in the OGP is the continuous consultation with citizens and organizations at the national and international levels.  Through constant interaction,  a  cooperative framework is formed that not only allows but also encourages active participation in every stage of the process,  from the policy design and the priorities definition to the implementation and evaluation of individual actions in every sector. To ensure these principles,  a Permanent Committee is established for the Cooperation in monitoring and implementation activities of the  OGP  National Action  Plan.  The  Committee consists of institutions and organizations representatives of civil society, independent authorities, institutions of political parties, educational and academic institutions,  scientific and other associations, and experts.

Since  11  January  2015, the Hellenic Evaluation Society participates actively in the Permanent Cooperation Committee for Participating in the International Initiative for Open Government.